
Jesus Christ
is coming soon.

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Welcome to CALew

The Christian Assembly of Lewiston is a divine calling, as only God is the master of time and circumstances. We believe that the return of Jesus Christ, as promised repeatedly in the Holy Scriptures, is very near. This promise came directly from our Lord *John 14:1-3*. We believe in the prophetic ministry of William Marrion Branham, Malachi 3:1, and in the call of the Faithful and Prudent Servant, Matthew 24:45-46.

More About CaLew
  • Main Church Service

    Friday - 6 PM | 8 PM | Sunday - 9:40 AM | 12:00 PM
    160 Lisbon St, Lewiston, ME 04240

  • Kids Church

    Sunday - 8 AM | 9:30 AM
    160 Lisbon St, Lewiston, ME 04240

  • Prayer Meeting

    Every last Saturday of the Month Saturday - 2 PM | 6 PM |
    160 Lisbon St, Lewiston, ME 04240

The Lord's supper

The Lord's Supper is also celebrated according to the Scriptures. Unleavened bread is prepared according to the number of participants. The bread is blessed during a prayer and then broken to be distributed to all. The cup containing red wine is also blessed through prayer, and all partake of it. This is in remembrance of the sufferings and death of our Lord and Redeemer, who became the sacrifice by shedding His precious blood to pay the price for those who make up the Church, His Body.

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Water Baptism

Baptism is administered according to the apostolic model to those who believe according to the Word of the resurrected Lord: 'Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved' (Mark 16:16). 'So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ' (Romans 10:17). Baptism is done by immersion, as it was practiced in the early centuries after the apostolic era. Sprinkling and pouring of water, as well as the recitation of the trinitarian formula, emerged when Christianity was imposed on nations. For this reason, these practices must be rejected as they have no biblical basis.

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The Return of Christ

We believe that the return of Jesus Christ, as promised repeatedly in the Holy Scriptures, is very near. This promise came directly from our Lord: 'And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also' (John 14:1-3). Our Lord emphasized that we should observe the signs of the times: 'So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place' (Matthew 24:32-47). In Luke 21, from verse 28 to 36, we are also told about the events foretold for the end times: 'Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads because your redemption is drawing near.' Regarding the day or hour of His return, of course, no one knows it, but as biblical prophecies are being fulfilled, we are watching them as signs of the end times as predicted by our Lord and now being fulfilled.

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William Marrion Branham

We declare our belief, as stated in the Holy Scriptures, and recognize with hearts full of gratitude that we are now close to the second coming of Christ. We see biblical prophecies being fulfilled, just as they were at His first coming. The New Testament began with the fulfillment of biblical prophecies and will end in the same manner. The promise of a voice crying in the wilderness (Isaiah 40:3) and that the Lord would send His messenger to prepare His way (Malachi 3:1) became a visible reality in John the Baptist's ministry, as confirmed in Matthew 11:10, Mark 1:1-4, Luke 1:16-17, and John 1:19-28.

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Thanksgiving Events.

Last November 2023...

How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! Psalm 133:1.

  • November 23, 2023 - November 25, 2023
  • 7 AM - 9 PM
  • Staunton, Virginia, USA.

Next November 2024...

How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! Psalm 133:1.

  • November 23, 2024 - November 25, 2024
  • 7 AM - 9 PM
  • Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Current Series

Shape Your Life with the Words of Life.

The Holy Scriptures are the sole source and the complete foundation of our faith, the only rule for teaching and life. God, through His prophets in the Old Testament and the apostles in the New Testament, has bequeathed to us everything we needed to know. The Bible contains the complete testimony of God to which nothing can be added, just as with a last will and testament. Only what the apostles left in the New Testament is truly "apostolic teaching," only what the Bible teaches is truly "biblical," and only what originates in Christ Himself is genuinely "Christian." The confessions of faith issued at various councils in the history of the church are considered additions and distortions of the original Word.